The War Remnants Museum in Ho Chi Minh City

Discover a moving exhibition at the War Remnants Museum in Ho Chi Minh City, which offers insights into the Vietnam War and its consequences. Tanks, historical artefacts and personal stories take you on a fascinating journey through the history of Vietnam.

Join me on a fascinating journey through the exhibition at the War Remnants Museum in Ho Chi Minh City, where history is brought to life and insights into the Vietnam War and its aftermath are offered.

The exhibition at the War Remnants Museum in Ho Chi Minh City is an impressive collection of artefacts, photographs and documents that tell the story of the Vietnam War in a moving way. Upon entering the museum, visitors are immediately struck by the diversity and depth of the exhibition. The exhibits are organised thematically into different sections that highlight the various aspects of the Vietnam War and its impact on the country and its people.

At the War Remnants Museum in Ho Chi Minh City visitors will find a fascinating area dedicated to the military equipment and weapons used during the Vietnam War. Here you can see historic tanks, aeroplanes, artillery pieces and other impressive war machines up close. Immerse yourself in history and learn more about the operational history of these impressive artefacts, which were an important part of the war effort.

Another fascinating aspect of the exhibition focuses on the lives of people during the Vietnam War. Photographs, personal artefacts and moving stories from survivors provide a vivid picture of the daily challenges and the relentless fight for survival during this turbulent time. Visitors can immerse themselves in the emotional and physical hardships people faced, giving them a profound insight into the reality of war from the perspective of those who lived through it.

The exhibition also takes a detailed look at the social and political impact of the Vietnam War. It not only looks at the military aspects of the conflict, but also at the political background, which played a decisive role. Visitors have the opportunity to delve deeper into the complex interrelationships and understand the various players involved in this tragic chapter of history. In addition, it is made clear how the war shaped the lives of people in Vietnam in many ways. The exhibition shows in an impressive way how the conflict influenced Vietnamese society and culture and what long-term social effects it has left behind to this day.

Interactive displays, audiovisual presentations and informative texts offer visitors the opportunity to engage intensively with the history of the Vietnam War and explore its complex interrelationships. The exhibition is informative, emotional and offers an impressive journey through the history of Vietnam.

Entrance fees and opening hours

  • The War Museum is open daily from 7.30 a.m. to 12.00 noon and from 1.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
  • The entrance fee is VND 40,000 (approx. €1.50). Guided tours are available in English and other languages.


  • Vo Van Tan, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam


The War Remnants Museum in Ho Chi Minh City offers a fascinating and moving journey through the history of the Vietnam War. The exhibition is informative, emotional and offers visitors the opportunity to engage intensively with one of the most significant conflicts of the 20th century. Immerse yourself and be impressed by the diversity and depth of this exhibition.

Picture of Karl-Heinz Kronpass

Karl-Heinz Kronpass

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